Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Primary Calling

Here is an email I wrote my mom. It tells what's up lately with me.
Hi Mom!
I'm am so excited that you are going to go help grandma put the genealogy on a computer. That will be wonderful!
And it's so awesome that you sold so many crafts at the fair!
If you've looked at my blog now you know we did have an amazing time with Abigail here. Now that she's gone I am really busy. I have so much going on that I can only do a little bit of each thing. Examples; photography (there are always volunteer opportunities on the base through the photo club), teaching Luke, singing, dinner with friends, service in the ward.
Luke goes to school so I don't feel too bad that I don't have time to do school often at home. But he's been out of school for two whole weeks (vacation and then spring break) and I've only done school with him maybe two times in all that time. I should have done more.
There are always opportunities to do service in our ward. Husbands gone for work, pregnant women, people moving in or out, etc.
Right now I think I have four church callings. I know I have ward historian, which I finally received the official guidelines and folder for even though I've been doing it a year.
I know I am a visiting teacher, of course. I know I am a primary teacher. And I think, but am not sure, that I am still the bulletin board coordinator.
Now we're in the new church and I have a whole bulletin board clean and ready for me.
This week will be full of preparing for church callings...busy busy for me.
This weekend is a baby shower I am helping put on for a sister I visit teach. That same day I have two baptisms of kids I believe are in my class...I have taught yet so I am not sure.
This week I am having a less active couple over to dinner because they seem to not have made any friends in the ward even though I've seen them come on and off for atleast a year. I feel bad I have never reached out. The couple seem like people Sterling and I could really become friends with. Better late than never.
There are two families in the ward who's women are physically unable to take care of their families. So I am hoping to get a meal over to one family this week and one meal to the other family the next week. I'd like to take meals to both families every week but I'm also trying not to overload my schedule. It's so busy!
Since Abi has left I find it the house cleaning is not a high priority anymore. I'm so busy that the apartment is trashed before I get around to cleaning it.
But spending time with Sterling and the boys takes up a lot of my time too. Sterling needs a lot of time with me or he really misses me. So I always have to spend as much time as I can with him. Sometimes that means I have a day here or there where everything has been postponed so long I have to get stuff done instead of spend time with Sterling.
When Abi was here she would play with the kids and I could get everything done. It was nice!
There's also a family moving away soon that we're sad to see go. We're best friends with this family so I'm trying to do something fun with them once a week until they go. This week it's dinner together. Next week I think we're going to go on a double date.
Ok, I'll let you go. I could go on and on though. Busy life.
Love, Tiffany
Poppy season has just passed here in the Aviano area of Italy. Poppies are beautiful red flowers that Americans love having their pictures taken in. This year there were not poppy fields but farmer's crops that wild poppies crept into. But that was better than nothing so I had a few jobs (portrait shoots) with the poppies. And I had one shoot scheduled that had to be rescheduled but because the poppies are dying and/or plowed when I do that shoot we'll do it at gorgeous Porcia Park.

I am so thankful Heavenly Father helps me to improve my photography and editing skills. Each time I have a shoot I prepare as much as I can then I pray for help. After the shoot I pray in thanksgiving for His help and then pray for help with editing.  :)

He helps me improve my singing voice as well. I have been performing quite a bit the last 6 months. It's been fun but it's with Heavenly Father's help that I can stand in front of the ward and sing without forgetting the words or having fear in my voice. I shake like a leaf when I'm in front of everyone but luckily I've been told they can't tell I'm nervous.

I am currently Valiants 8 & 9 teacher in Primary. I am loving it. I started about a month ago with two boys and five girls (one who only comes once in a while though). Anna Lazenby and Andrew Robertson got baptized right after I became their teacher. Then Anna moved away...they went back to the states. 
Currently families are traveling. Last week I had just two kids in my class and this week those two kids will be on vacation so I'm not sure who will show up for class.

Everyone was sad to see the Lazenbys move away.  Dewayne was the bishop for like 4 years. And Mari is so sweet and awesome. Sterling and I have become very close to the Lazenby family. By the time they moved they said that they feel like we are family and will definitely meet up again. They even said they would be happy if they ended up settling down (for retirement) near us...since we are going to get land and live in a small town or out of town. They like that idea and the idea of being our neighbors when retired.  :)   We feel all the same for them.  We celebrated Mother's day together this year and it was the best mother's day!

For Father's day, which is rapidly approaching, I am excited for the gifts I am getting Sterling. I ordered a barbecue apron which the boys and I will paint to personalize. Ster wants to barbecue a lot this summer. He just fixed up his grill.
I also ordered him a chef's hat and coat/shirt as Sterling has been wanting for a few years now. And to go along with the theme I am going to purchase a spinning spice rack Sterling said he wants to get eventually.

My birthday is this weekend. Sterling and I are going to have brownie scookies with ice cream for lunch and hopefully have friends join us. If the Mangles cannot come we will invite the Seamons.
Then for dinner we're leaving the kids with a sitter and going out for dinner. 

So far planning Valiant class lessons I have adjusted my technique a lot. I started out doing almost all of what the book says I can...I ran out of time. Then I changed it to me telling the scripture story, having the class look up one scripture just so they are using their scriptures, and they get time to color their handout (I find coloring pages/clipart for each story we do and put a saying that goes along with the lesson and will help them remember what the lesson teaches). They keep their handouts in a binder so they don't get lost or thrown away. They get candy if they bring their scriptures. And I do an activity to go along with the lesson (my kids love games and role playing). Their favorite game is a version of tic tac toe where I ask they questions about the lesson I taught...if they answer correctly they get their mark on that square.

Sterling is working Swing Shift (2-10p). So we do our big meal for lunch. On school days Ty goes down for his nap when Luke gets on the school bus at Ster and I get a little time together alone before he goes to work.

Both of my boys love music now! Luke was not a music person before.
They love to dance! Of course, they won't dance long unless mom and/or dad are dancing too. They would dance every day if we had the energy.
They listen to primary music at bedtime now. Ty was now sleeping at night so we bought a night light and put music in their room to help him sleep. We also gave him a binky. He's back on the binky.

Tiberias,a few weeks ago, would not stay in bed. He would get out of bed and come out of his room when it was time to go to sleep (night or day) and then get up all throughout the night. I was not getting my sleep and Sterling was not getting enough for work. I think we dealt with that for a week. After trying music, binky, pain reliever (in case he had growing pains) and night lights we tried putting the port a crib in there and trapping him. It worked! Now he sleeps and night and doesn't get me up at 5am! It's still 6:30 or earlier but not 5 anymore.

At night I lay in bed with them, after prayer and goodnights, and sing them two songs. I usually let Luke pick one of the songs. He likes ABC's and We Are A Happy Family (our own version). Luke knows most of the words to a lot of the primary songs I might sing. Ty tries to sing along;he gets the tune right on some songs.
Tiberias and Luke are huge book boys. Ty more than Luke lately. Ty's favorites are "Old McDonald's Funny Farm" and "See How I Grow."  Luke has outgrown his love for "Dinosaur's Binkit" and "I Know A Rhino" and Ty has grown into loving those.

They are getting so big! I love how old Ty is getting though. About a week ago he all of sudden started acting older and as if he understands and knows a lot more. I think that's helping him to play better with Luke sometimes. They still fight a lot! Ty hurts Luke or teases him or takes his toys away. Luke has always been a gentle and nice big brother. But Luke's problem is that he whines and cries when he's frustrated or unhappy. We now place him in time out for whining and crying when it's not needed. He needs to learn to be a tough big boy.

Luke is so smart! He is too nervous to do Show and Tell anymore. He was doing it at first but won't do it anymore.

My boys are amazing! And my husband is the best! We are so in love. He takes care of me and asks what he can do to make me happier. He rubs my feet and I tickle his back. We keep the magic alive. Being physically active (hiking etc) really helps.

I have decided to throw a block party. Some of my neighbors are moving away and tons have recently moved to the street. Not to mention there are one down the street I have never met. A block party would start the summer off giving all the neighbors a chance to meet everyone and make friends. I am really excited about it. I've been planning since I had the idea yesterday. Tomorrow I will try to recruit a few friends on my street. Once I have someone saying they will help I can plan a meeting and invite the whole neighborhood to my apartment if they want to be involved in the planning of the event.

Heavenly Father is so good to us! We cannot count the numerous blessing we receive each day.