Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Little Moments

Yesterday I was feeding Tiberias little tastes of bread. I decided to see if he would try and pick it up with his own fingers. So I help a tiny piece in my palm in front of him and said "Can you get it yourself?" He took a moment to decide what to do. Then he leaned forward until his face was to my palm! lol! Cute kid.

This morning when I came downstairs from my shower I found Lachoneus had been up to some trouble. My daily showers are short because I have kids to take care of, but it doesn't take long for a 2yr old to get into mischief.
Unfortunately I found a wine glass broken on the tile floor. Luckily Luke didn't get hurt. The wine glass was a gift Ster bought from work (a fund raiser) for me for Vday. It had a delicious desert in it when he bought it. I had shared it with Sterling and left the glass by the tv the night before. That was a mistake.

Anyway, the reason I am telling this story is because of what happened as soon as I saw the broken glass. Luke knew he was in trouble. Before I said anything he walked over and put himself in Time Out. lol.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This Saturday Tiberias will turn 6 months old. He loves to jump now! He is exactly like Luke was as a baby in help him stand and all he will want to do is jump.
But Luke was a very energized baby and Tiberias is not. Or maybe "motivated to move" is more true...I can't be sure. Luke use to move and try to learn something new physically, like rolling over, all the time. Ty does not. I am so excited Tiberias has finally learned to roll over!!

I didn't know how to help him learn until I got some advice. There is a clinic on the base that helps children under 3 years of age with special needs such as physical therapy and speech therapy.

Our friend Dwayne (bishop of our ward) is a doctor in this clinic EDIS. So we had Luke evaluated for their services for communication, vocab, speech, etc. To make sure Luke is close enough to where he should be socially etc for his age. A month ago Luke was doing terrible. He was not understanding or communicating. He would try to grunt instead of speak.
But we, Sterling and I, started giving him more time and attention and teaching him. And now he is great. He was evaluated last week and did not qualify for the EDIS program...which is good.

But while the EDIS people were at our house I pointed out Ty's misshapen head. They hooked me up with s physical therapist for Ty at EDIS. At his 4 month Pediatrics appointment my doctor did not think Ty's stiff neck and misshapen head for anything to worry about. He said to help me stretch to the right at home because he only looked left. So I tried but wasn't getting anywhere.

We met with the physical therapist last week and learned exercises to help Ty stretch his neck to the right. They told us we have the option of getting Tiberias a helmet which would help his head get back to a normal shape. This would have to be worn 23 hours a day for months! And it would be a couple of thousand dollars for the helmet.

Ty's flat spot on his head is the bottom of the head. Typically for Torticollis the flat spot is at the top of the head. So the physical therapist could not do their normal measurement. They did not know exactly what to do because Ty's is not a normal case.

We've had Tiberias on his tummy a lot lately. And he finally learned to roll over! He is doing to look right pretty well already. So we believe he won't require the helmet. He will get better and better at turning right and then won't be on his left when he sleeps (hopefully) and his head will grow normal.

We'll meet with the physical therapist now and then as we work on Tiberias.

Lachoneus started singing last week! He has been singing Disney Ooh and Aah monkey's song and trying to sing his ABC's. SO cute!

We have gotten many comments by other parents that Lachoneus is a great listener. When we tell him to do something or stop he immediately does it. Not always, especially at home. But when we are out and he starts running away or doing something he should we tell him to stop and he stops. He is a very good boy.

Lately he uses the toilet more than his training potty. He can climb up all by himself and do everything himself. Well, I usually flush for him.