Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tiffany's 6+ Year Life Plan

A month or so ago I decided that the best way for me to make money at this time in my life is to do Preschool in my home. I don't need a license or anything here in SD. I simply have to limit myself to five kids in a class...which is the ideal size anyway. Or I would have to hire another teacher to have a larger class. I will stick to the five. Athena will be one of them...and she won't be paying.

I figured out the pricing and details. I have a lot of planning to do and it is exciting. I have lessons to finish that I started (in a binder) when I taught Preschool for free.

The first time I had a preschool class was a great learning experience. I learned I like creating my own lessons from scratch. I create my own games and learning tools too (most of the time).
I learned how to run a preschool properly and smoothly.

I am very eager and excited for my preschool though it is a year+ away from now. I do have a lot of work and I believe whole heartedly it will be a success. There is a need for preschools in the valley where I live. Mothers currently have to drive into the city to take their kids to preschool.

My mother teaches preschool from home and she has given me tips.

Sterling is not confident that I will be successful at getting clients. It makes me worry that I should doubt myself. But no! I have no reason to fear!

I am eager for the next year to pass because I struggle at bringing in money. I don't get photography gigs very often. And cakes don't make enough money for the time I spend on them. Also, my tutu business hasn't started yet. So I feel guilty when I spend more money than needed and I wish I were bringing in money.

I am doing all I can to figure out advertising my photography. I want to do photography but I can't get the business!!

My plan for the next 7 years:
Do photography, cakes, tutus whenever I can get work for the next year.
Do two years of preschool while Athena is preschool age. Make lots of money. :)
If I still like it I will continue to do preschool when Athena starts Kindergarten. Ster thinks I will not like it at all. I can understand why...I complained quite a bit when I did preschool for Tiberias and his friends. BUT...back then...I was not suppose to be the only teacher. It was a co op class. But the other mom teacher ended up to the task most of the time and I ended up teaching it at my house instead.
Plus, back then, I was not getting paid.

Next time I will be prepared to do the only teacher all year and I will be excited to do it because of the income.

Next on my life list...when Athena is 8 years old Ster and I will become foster parents fulfilling that dream of mine.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

9th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday was mine and Sterling's 9th wedding anniversary. Since he is home mornings this week we went on a morning date. I scheduled for all of our three children to play at friends' houses that morning and afternoon.

We started our date at Flags and Wheels. We played a round of laser tag...just us two. I had played the game only once before and it was just as fun this time with only the two of us as it was the first time with a whole group of my female friends.

I annihilated my husband that round. I did have an advantage...knowing the course. Whereas he hadn't been there before so he didn't know how big the room was, where the walls and deadends were at.

We moved on to something I have never done before...go cart racing. Ster did it once Turkey. He was on a TDY (Military work trip) with a friend (Todd Mangle) at that time. It's been a few years.

I may not have driven very fast compared to Sterling but I had a blast. It was amazing fun!

From there we went downtown to our favorite place to eat...Tally's Silver Spoon. They are a small breakfast and lunch place. Amazing food!
We had a delicious lunch together. I had expected him to ask the question(s) I had come so use to hearing on our big dates..."Is there anything I have done that has bothered you?" or "Is there any thing you would like me to do better at?"
We would make sure there was no tension or bad feelings. Fix things and make them right.

I guess we've gotten past that because there wasn't been much I could complain about the last year or so.

And now a days if anything does bother me I consider it in my mind and figure out the best way to talk to Ster about it without causing trouble but then end up deciding I am the one who needs to change.
For sometimes annoys me that Ster doesn't help more. Sometimes he helps with the house cleaning and kids fabulously! And sometimes I wonder what is going through his head; when I need help with the kids and housecleaning (often on Saturday nights when we do baths and prep for Sunday) but he doesn't help. He might ask "What can I do to help?" Yes! So I give him one assignment. He does that in a jiffy then disappears. I have a whole list he can help me with but he is gone. So I imagine he is taking charge and cleaning something he knows needs it. It typically turns out he is playing on his computer.

OR he will come and ask if he can help me...after I get everything done. He waits. That drives me crazy!

BUT...what will change the situation is if I change how I do it. Instead of continuing my work wishing he would read my mind and come help I should stop. Take a break to find him and say "Please help me. This is what I need." Saturday nights overwhelm me and I desperately need him to start being helpful every time!

Back to our date...
We got so full at our delicious lunch that we had no room for dessert. So we walked around a little bit downtown looking at the shops and statues. Enjoying the beautiful day.
We walked into an adorable little candy shop where everything was way too high priced but it was very cute.

We decided to pick up our kids a little early (an hour early) which is typical when we go out on dates.
Ster had to work that afternoon and evening but we would have Culver's ice cream that night.
Ster ended up getting off work early enough that he bought an ice cream for the kids to share as help us celebrate.

We are so happy together. We love our life! We love our marriage. We love our family. We love our home.