Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Letter to Mom

Hey Mom,
So it seems a lot had changed in the last two weeks!
1. I have realized I have lost a lot of weight. I don't feel any different than I did 5 months ago and I don't see a huge change. But I do notice the fat under my chin is gone and that my legs/thighs are thinner. I have been buying new jeans lately because none of my pants were fitting me. So I bought a pair and they were too big. So I started buying size 8's and they were still too big. So I bought a pair of 6's, crossing my fingers that I am thin enough to fit in them. And it turns out they are even a bit large on me. So maybe I'm a size 5 jean? Anyway, I'll just have to wear my big pants because I can't go buying more now after buying all those. Luckily most of them were clearance and were $4-$8.

How did I lose the weight? Breastfeeding, hiking, cutting back my milk and sugar cereal intake and refraining from having ice cream in the house.

2. I have always really disliked the fact that Sterling's motivation to eat less and lose weight depends on me. I have tried to eat less and eat better so that he will but it's so hard. However, at the moment it is a great thing. Since I am currently thin he is motivated to lose weight too. He is eating a lot less now and staying away from high calories. Yay!

3. We have finally decided what to do about Luke's education. We wanted to put in him in the Italian school at age 3. But his communication and connecting with people (kids, adults, friends, family, etc) is not so good, nor his speech, I'm not sure that would be a good idea.
We decided we'd have to get a second car for Luke to go to school this year and we are not willing to do that. So I have decided to start home schooling Luke now.

We have him in the EDIS program. They evaluated him and pointed out to us what he is doing and what he is not. What is normal for his age and what is not. I have a whole list of things I am going to work on with him. From eating food with utensils to answering questions to drawing a circle.

It's funny how both my kids need extra teaching and time at the same time. Tiberias with his physical therapy and Luke with his learning. I am not even thinking about painting the living room yet because I have to give all my time and attention to the kids.

So that is what is new with us.
Love, Tiffany

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