Thursday, November 3, 2011

Each Day Is A Gift

There are stretches of time where my life is solely bliss. Every day is amazing. I find joy in every bit of my day...every bit of my life. I just have to smile because I could not be happier.

Then there are times when life is a little less perfect...but it's usually based on my outlook or mood. Recently I came out of the bliss part and started another less perfect part of my life. The difference, I'm guessing, is my health. I was not taking my multivitamins and then started feeling not so great. I start to feel a little depressed. I have found that when I take my vitamins, eat healthy and exercise regularly I get back into that state of bliss I wrote about.

This time it may also be due to the fact that I started to feel less happy when I returned to Italy; leaving my Boren family in the states (possibly not to see them again for two more years).
I looove being in Italy! I am happy being with Sterling and my two sons. However, I miss my family.

Sterling and I have a wonderful marriage. We call it ideal.
We talk to each other. That is so important. We like to go hiking and do things together that give us great opportunities to find random things to talk about. When we don't make time for that activities we may go a few days without good conversation and that's when we start to miss each other. Especially Sterling. He loves to talk and really converse and have deep conversation. When we don't get a lot of that time he feels neglected and far from me.

We have many things to work on in our marriage. But we are so happy and so in love. We care so much for each other and that our marriage be perfect. I personally need to get better at telling Sterling how I'm feeling and how much I need him. Since that is something he needs most...that's his love language I guess.
We have a lifetime to perfect it.

I wanted to type this entry to say that our life right now, while we are young together, is not perfect.
Right now I am having a really hard time.
After Tiberias was born I still weighed a lot. It took a long time before I started to lose the weight I needed too. Going from the fattest I've ever been to the thinnest I've ever been in just a matter of months made me feel amazing. I was eating healthy and hiking a lot.
Then I went to America to vacation. I spent a month visiting family, shopping and eating food I don't typically eat here in Italy (fast food - because there are so many options there & junk food - taking a break from my healthy diet). I did not gain too much in America but when I came back to Italy my diet was ruined. I was no longer in those healthy habits. And so I started gaining weight. I have gained about 6 lbs in the last three months.

I need to lose that weight and then maintain a diet that keeps my weight still. It is really hard to go from eating when I'm hungry to counting calories and limiting my daily calorie intake! It's also hard to get back into working out. And we've been doing no hiking. It gets dark early now and I hate hiking in the dark. So yes, I'm not currently in the pure bliss part of my life. lol

In other news...Sterling and I have our first bed ever! We still sleep on the king sized mattress Sterling bought us before the day we married but now it sits on a bed! It's beautiful and big and takes up most of our bedroom. lol
Lachoneus also received his new queen sized mattress yesterday! He loves it!
We threw out his broken toddler bed I've hated.
The new mattress sits on his floor. I will probably start teaching Tiberias to sleep on it soon...for naps. I remember how difficult it was teaching Lachoneus to stay in bed and go to sleep when he moved out of the crib. You have to find a way to keep them from playing with the light switches (cover them with bookshelves or try to tape them down). You have to stay by the door listening to make sure they are ok. And soon they learn to open doors and you have to keep putting them back into their bed as they cry the whole time. With Luke I kept doing that until we both got tired of that and we decided to stay in bed if I was standing in the doorway watching him ...ready to put him back in his bed if he even tried getting up. I had to stand there until he fell asleep.

Tiberias is older than Luke was when Luke started climbing out of the crib. Ty does not try to climb out yet but he is over 14 months old so it won't be long.

I love being a mother! My boys are so fun and adorable and smart!
Sterling and I are very blessed.

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