Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This Amazing Life

Yesterday we held a special play date at our house. I've tried to hold play dates throughout the last few years we've been living in Italy. I have invited many and had few people attend. Usually one family shows up. This time I planned an Unbirthday party for my little boys who loooove to have parties.
An Alice in Wonderland themed Unbirthday party. The people who came: Indira Sumner with her daughter, Ashley Stewart with her daughter, Melanie Archuleta with her son and daughter, Nelli with her youngest Megan, Megan Sanders with her baby and boy, Missy Robinson with her youngest Henry and Darcy Ferguson with her two little ones!

It was held at 10:30am and Sterling works 2-10p. So he was home. I had made and decorated a Alice in Wonderland cake for the event. And I had cleaned the downstairs the night before.
The morning of the party Sterling helped out by taking the dog for a walk and loading the dishwasher. The kitchen had been all clean except for the dishes in the sink that we had put there that morning. I said I wasn't going to load the dishwasher Sterling did it. I was surprised but...he is wonderful like that!

Ster played on the computer upstairs during the party. We pulled out the bouncy house after everyone ate cake. It was such a fun party. Ended at 12:30.

Lately I'm working on preparing the Blog book for 2012. Preparing it to be ordered. I had to read through the entries so of course I read about our anniversary in August. How I could not think of anything we need to work on in our marriage. I have not been able to think of anything since then! I could not think of anything Sterling needed to try better at.

He now tries to get me flowers once every month! How amazing is that?!  I did work on trying to get him to buy me flowers once in a while but I never expected he'd go as far as to make it a goal to do it every month. He is so sweet! It's one way he shows his appreciation for all I do at home and with the boys.

Sterling is not perfect but his flaws are few. He has become such a perfect husband for me since we got married just 5 1/2 years ago!

I do see my flaws a little easier than I see Sterling's. I could be selfless more often.
Sometimes I notice that Sterling is thinking of me and I am thinking of me when I should be thinking about Sterling.
I am with the boys all day and then with Sterling and the boys. I have a constant responsibility to be selfless. So throughout the day I will take time for Me. I will tell the boys to go play while I work out or watch a show or play on the computer (editing pictures or blogging).  Then when Sterling comes home I want to spend time with him and feel a responsibility to be selfless for him.

I guess, when I am with Sterling sometimes I just want to let him take care of me and think of me...because so much of my week I am alone with the boys and they are as needy as children are.

This month instead of getting me flowers he got a gift. He saw it online and wanted a reason to buy it for me. So he did place of flowers. A cupcake tower. I have been wanting to get one lately! This means I need to start doing cupcakes more.  :)

Sterling and I have so much fun together. I mean, we do go on hikes and sometimes sight see. Being here in Italy with my husband and children is amazing! But Sterling and I have so much fun just being together at home. Sterling likes to be playful and I have learned to be more playful because of him.  He will pick me up and throw me over his shoulder...maybe spin too. He will attack me....but never tickle me. I won't allow him to tickle me. He knows he will be in trouble if he does he doesn't.

We know how blessed we are to be so happy in marriage after 2 kids and 5 1/2 years. To have improved our marriage so much in five years! To not be sick of each other or falling out of love.

I can't help but have the thought sometimes...the fear that our life together might be cut short. If we are so perfectly happy and have made our marriage so wonderful so early in our life...
Doesn't it take a lifetime of marriage to perfect the relationship?  I am hoping that by putting this fear out will turn out to never be true. But I will enjoy every day of my amazing life.

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