Monday, June 10, 2013

Early Stages of Pregnancy/Preparing for a crazy Summer-Fall

I am six weeks pregnant with my third child.
Sterling and I have been very blessed to have no pregnancy troubles and no problems getting pregnant. We have planned all three pregnancies. 

My first two pregnancies were easy. No sickness with Luke and only some nausea a little while when Pregnant with Ty.

Six weeks is not far at all and feeling sick usually happens the first trimester so  I think I have atleast another month and a half that I'm likely to get sick.
I felt sick a few days...a few weeks ago. And then I was fine for a while. Then today I've felt really nauseated. I have yet to ever actually throw up during a pregnancy though.

I really want a daughter this time and if that means being be it.

Tomorrow is my first OBGYN appointment. I think I am just seeing a nurse. Then the first week of July I will have my first appointment with a doctor about my pregnancy. Then I will move...mid July. We're going back to America.

I will be spending time in Logandale with my parents and time in Provo with Sterling's family all summer and fall.

This year we are going to follow the weather extremes. All Summer I will be in the heat of Provo and Vegas (of course, Vegas is much worse than Provo). Then in December we'll move to South Dakota just in time for Winter...terribly cold winter.

We have told nobody except our little boys that we are pregnant. We are waiting until July when we are with our families to tell the exciting news. It is so hard to keep it a secret! I don't talk to my family much but it is so hard not to tell my friends here in Italy!

We are so excited to have another baby! Me especially! I want a tiny baby and I can hardly wait! Nine months is such a long time. Yet, we planned the pregnancy so the baby would be born after we get settled into a new house in South Dakota. Sterling will be in Mississippi August-December this year and I don't want to have the baby without him.

We didn't want to have the baby while living in Italy. Pregnancy and newborn babies make it hard to travel.

It will definitely be a Summer feeling Summer this year. Even though Sterling won't be with us to have a wonderful fun Summer, Luke, Ty and I will go swimming a lot and play with friends. Eat pop sickles and ice cream.

We are going to get a pass to go to this cool new community center in Provo that has swimming and indoor playgrounds and a gym and more!

I just don't know where I am going to have a doctor. Nellis AFB in Vegas seems the best choice but then I will have to plan my visits to family based off of doctor appointments. I don't think I can have two doctors...two separate hospitals for this.

It will be an interesting four months!

I look forward to spending time with Autumn and Jacob and maybe Justin. Justin just graduated high school and I don't know what his plans are for the rest of this year. He has accomplished a lot in high school. He did multiple sports and even clubs I think. Plus, he's buff and a handsome boy. If he serves a mission and stays strong in the church he should be able to find an amazing and beautiful wife with ease.

I am SO EXCITED to spend time with Eliza and Alissa! Of course it's Eliza and Florencio....and Alissa, Justin and baby James!

I am so excited to see everyone! It is going to be an amazing Summer/Fall...I hope.  It will be hard not having Sterling there! He makes everything more fun. And it just isn't quite right if he's not there.

Plus, I will want to spend a lot of time with Zack and I wish Ster could as get to know Zack better.

Tomorrow is Luke's last day of school. His second school year and it was a success just like the previous year.
It has been maybe 6 months that Luke has been stuttering and it's not getting better. I am worried about it.  Experts say not to let Luke know you are aware of the stuttering. Be patient, pay attention to him and don't point out that he's stuttering. We've done that so far...but when we go visit family we're going to have to tell everyone not to point it out and to be patient. And I'm worried kids will point it out to him and make him feel bad.

He will be starting Kindergarten late because we won't have a home until the end of the year atleast. Hopefully we'll have a home by Christmas!
I will homeschool will give me more to do...until we move to South Dakota.  So he'll start Kindergarten half way in the school year.  However, he's already smart and passed the kids in his class in education. I'm teaching Luke to read.  He doesn't like to read books but he doesn't mind if I spell and word and have him read it to me. So that's what I do.
Like this; will                   fat                       cow
                 hill                   hat                      chow
                 mill                  mat                      now
                 bill                  splat                      how
 He has started writing on his own. He likes to make signs...write on paper and tape it up. If it's small words he can spell most of them but he asks me if he needs help. 
One major problem he has is Gg. He can never remember how to write a g. So we're working on that.  His teachers have suggested I help him by asking him "who, what, when, why, where" during stories. And to ask him what he thinks happened before or what will happen next?

By kindergarten Luke will be a reader. And I pray his stuttering will be gone!

Father's day is coming up! This week the boys and I will make decorations and cards. I cut out a bunch of paper ties (men's ties) to hang on a string or tape on the wall. We might put the letters to "Happy Father's Day" on the ties. We are going to make some signs that say things the boys love doing with their dad and things they love about him.

 We are moving soon so dad isn't getting much gift-wise. He is getting a new pair of running shoes...which Ster will pick out himself.
He is also getting a gag gift...a white tshirt with a drawn car track on the back. So he can lay on the floor and the boys will drive their cars around his back...maybe it will feel good.

I found another idea I would love to do but I don't have the resources here. It's a wall hanging tie rack. You hang your ties on it. Sterling has a lot of ties and he hangs them on hangers. They fall off and are never in the same spot.  But I can't find a wood rack with dowels coming out of If I had I would paint it and put the words "You tie us together" on it.  Maybe next June.  :)

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