Monday, July 1, 2013

1st Ultrasound 3rd baby

This morning I went to the hospital for my 10 wk OBGYN appointment. Sterling works 2p-10p so he was home to watch the kids.
I was expecting they would simply listen to the sound of the baby's heartbeat. I think I remember them just doing that at my 10 wk with Tiberias at this base. So that's what I expected.
Sterling's been to a few ultrasounds but none have been that cool. Not cool enough to make him want to go to an ultrasound.

Anyway, I got there and found out Ster could have come and brought the kids. I'm just not allowed to take the kids without another adult to supervise them.
And it turned out they were doing a full ultrasound today.

The baby is father along than the doctor's thought. Even though I had told them when the baby was conceived exactly. We knew.
The baby was much more formed and active than I imagined! That baby, during the ultrasound, would not hold still for more than a second. It was moving all over. And it was so was playing with the umbilical cord! Kicking it, grabbing it, pushing it! I never thought I'd see something like that! hilarious!
Funnest ultrasound ever! Too bad Sterling missed it. My bad.

It was amazing to see my baby! And so active and silly. It makes it so much more real. It makes it feel like I'm farther along too. I wish they could give us a recorded dvd of the ultrasound! That would be way cooler than the pictures. The pictures suck actually.

I am over 11 wks along. Some places can give you an ultrasound to determine the gender as early as 12 or 13 weeks! So When we are in Provo visiting Sterling's family we are going to pay for an ultrasound....otherwise I have to wait until Sterling is already in Mississippi for training at my 20 wk mark. The military hospital will only do 20 weeks.

I won't have another appointment at this base. In six weeks I am to go in again but I'll be in Logandale, NV by then. In two weeks we'll be almost leaving Italy.
I am planning to have a doctor at Nellis' hospital. When Ster and I get to Logandale we'll go to Vegas and see if we can get me set up to be seen there until December.

The due date is January 18 2014!  :)
It's so weird to think that the year will be futuristic. I live in the future. Weird.

Sterling and I are doing GREAT! Just before he left for work, I had come home from the ultrasound and was cutting up our 4th of July week watermelon, Sterling said "Our life really is perfect!" And that's how we feel. We love our life together! We'll love it in South Dakota too. No matter where we go together we'll be happy.

This week is a holiday...Independance Day. This week for school the boys and I are going to only do America based stuff. Making decorations for the holiday for our house, learning a patriotic song (I have not picked which one yet) and learning a little about America's history.  I love the first week of July!!!

Sterling wishes we could be in Provo to celebrate the 4th this year. I told year we'll drive to Provo for the 4th of July!

Luke's birthday party is also this week...way fun! I'm making him a checkered (when you cut the cake you see checkers) ice cream and cake kind of cake. It'll have checkers of chocolate ice cream and green (Luke's favorite color) cake! And of course it'll be decorated Wreck It Ralph racing in Sugar Rush Land.

Last Saturday we organized a bunch of our belongings. Took everything out of the attic and stored in neatly in our spare room for the movers. Next Tuesday the movers come to pack up our stuff. Tomorrow they come to get a look at our belongings and see how many boxes they think they'll need and if we have any items that need special sized packaging.

Life is sweet.  :)
Love, Tiffany

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