Friday, July 5, 2013

Felt the baby at 12 wks

Four days ago I did not look pregnant. I felt so fat. Two days ago I realized I might be starting to show. Yesterday I decided I am definitely showing. Some shirts make me just look like my stomach has gotten fat and some shirts/dresses make me look so pregnant!

I am turning 12 weeks tomorrow!
I feel so much better about the way I look now that I know it's not all just fat and weight I gained because of's the baby!

I was planning to have nobody in my current ward being able to see that I'm pregnant. I have two Sundays left, Luke's birthday party this evening, and a goodbye party from the ward for the three families who are moving away. So I am betting some of the people are going to wonder "Is Tiffany pregnant?!" I doubt anyone would dare ask case I am not pregnant.

I have felt the baby swim around in there a couple of times at night. Then this afternoon as I was walking over to sit with Sterling on the couch I felt as though the baby were leaning against my stomach wall. I felt it with my fingers. I thought "How can I feel the baby this early?" I sat down and Sterling was sitting so close his arm was pushing against my stomach. Then he and I both felt the baby lean against the wall where his arm was.

Between this and the ultrasound, where the baby was moving around like crazy and playing with the umbilical cord....I think this child must have some super powers....atleast super strength and brain power! lol

 The only one here who knows I am pregnant is Melanie Archuletta. I call her up to tell her baby stuff I'm excited things that happen. Because she's on the same time zone as me, being here and not in America, convenient times to call for me are the same as for her.
This pregnancy has been so different from the first two. My body seems to be doing everything sooner because it's done it twice before and knows the routine.

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