Sunday, September 29, 2013

Strengthening Family Quiz

With Sterling in Mississippi I have a hard time being patient with my children as much as ever before. So in church I am attending a Strengthening marriage and family class. It's from the church's social services but the Logandale 5th ward has been given permission to teach it for some years now. I am excited about it and want to learn how to better discipline my children.

They gave me a quiz with quotes last Sunday. I typed it up, wrote my answers and asked Sterling for his comments as well. Here are the results.

1.        My home is a haven of love and peace and happiness where the Spirit of the Lord chooses to dwell.
(True. We do well at that but our children are young which is easier than keeping a happy home with teenagers.-Tiff
True- I love being with you and our kids most of the time. Somehow I think teenagers will be much easier because they will hopefully be more logical -Ster
And I always have the issue…does it apply the same to raising small children as to raising teenagers? They are so different… so do they need different parenting techniques or the same?)-Tiff
2.        I never speak in loud tones in my home.
“Let husband and wife never speak in loud tones to each other, unless the house is on fire.” David O Mckay
            Mostly true I love the fact that we are always nice to each other and I think raising our voices to our kids are a needed added emphasis but I think I yell at them too much. -Ster
(False . This one is confusing because the quote only mentions marriage. You and I don’t raise our voices at each other. But we do yell at our kids. And sometimes I think “they won’t know I’m serious or take me serious unless I yell.” But sometimes I feel like yelling does nothing except teach them to yell.-Tiff)
3.        I love my family and they know it.   
(True. We make sure our children know we love them by telling them and spending time with them. By encouraging them and telling we’re proud of them -Tiff)
True-sometimes I wonder if Luke really knows if I love him but I think some of that is personality -Ster

4.        I am a good listener. I don’t listen to correct, advise, fix or share my own experiences-I listen simply to understand.

“Children are naturally eager to share their experiences…Are we eager to listen? If they try to express their anguish, is it possible for us to listen openly to a shocking experience without going into a state of shock ourselves? Can we listen without interrupting and without making snap judgments that slam shut the door of dialogue?” Russell M Nelson

(True)I try on this one but when the boys keep doing the same thing it drives me insane but I love listening to you it makes me feel close to you. -Ster

(This one mostly means if they’ve done something stupid and we don’t hold our tongues, listen, support and help. We don’t deal with that too much yet because ours are so young)-Tiff
5.         My spouse and I are united as one in word, deed and action.
(True. We’ve got that)-Tiff (agree 100%)-Ster
6.        Dads-I provide for my family and when I come home from work, I take an active role with them.
Moms-I love my children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion I have for God and my husband, prioritize them above all else.
(True. But Sometimes I feel I should be spending more “play” time with them…and less time on my hobbies. But you do play with the kids and put them above everything else)-Tiff
True I always try do spend some time with them but enough time never comes.-Ster

7.        When giving necessary correction to a child, I do it quietly, privately, and lovingly
I try but when the do the same thing over and over again I don’t yet have the paitience -Ster

“When you speak or talk to them, do it not in anger, do it not harshly, in a condemning spirit. Speak to them kindly…weep with them if necessary.” Joseph F Smith
(False. This is probably where we need to change the most.) -Tiffany

8.         I do not try to force or control my children, but instead I listen to them, help them, inspire them and lead them.
“To rule children by force is the technique of Satan, not of the Savior.” Russell M Nelson
(False. This is what confuses me the most. At ages 3 & 5 are we supposed to not try and rule them. It seems we should govern and rule them until they are age 8 then give them some more freedom and start accepting their decision a little more. -Tiff)
I think we are teaching them boundaries so we don’t have to work so hard when they are older. -Sterling

9.        Our family has daily family prayer, daily scripture study, weekly FHE, and we eat dinner together.
(The quote that goes along with this is long and some of what it says is that we need to preserve time for one on one that binds us as a family and “fixes children’s values on things of eternal worth.” Meaning, to teach them the gospel in our home.
False. I do daily prayer at night together. Scriptures we read the stories sometimes but they don’t remember them or the highlights…like who was the main character in the story. So I am going to start making FHE lessons to teach the Bible and scripture stories to the children in a simple, fun, memorable way. A lesson a week I will create then save it for the future to teach them again. I want our kids to know the stories. They don’t know about Noah and the Ark or anything really.)-Tiff
They are 3 and 5 the only way they will remember these stories is repetition we do need to better with a nightly family scripture we do well with family prayer though -Ster

10.    I work at my responsibility as a parent as if everything in life counted on it.
(True. I believe it’s true for us. That you and I both care deeply about how we are parenting and what our children need. We want to know how to perfectly raise them and we seek better ways to parent them. You are really good at caring and wanting to be the best father.-Tiff
I do try but I think I need to spend more one on one positive time with them. I think that is the only thing that can get rid of the childhood issues. -Ster
Recently I’d been debating about whether or not we needed to change our techniques…before I started going to this class at church. 
I thought about how we were raised and how we turned out fine. We had many siblings and less one on one time with our parents. We didn’t have them focusing on us, trying to figure out how to better parent us specifically for our individual needs…they didn’t have time for that. So we’ll just parent our children and we’re doing a good job…so they’ll turn out fine.
But then I thought about the childhood issues everyone seems to have...and how maybe our children don’t have to have issues with the way we parented. Maybe, if we focus on them individually and strive to improve our parenting we can be better parents than our own were. Maybe this generation of children needs us to be better.) -Tiff

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