Thursday, July 28, 2011

It has been an interesting day!
Tiberias was awake crying for most of the 3:00a hour. I refused to get up and feed him. He has been sleeping all the way through the night lately and I need that. Plus, I am only breast feeding him once a day of a few days ago.
I could not sleep much while Ty was crying that hour. Then I had to get up at 5:30a with Sterling. I had to get the boys out of bed so we could drop Sterling off at work.

I came home and put the boys back to the bed. They protested but then Ty fell asleep fast. Luke was quiet a while but then got up and came downstairs.

At 8:40a we left for the base. I needed the car today to go get Tiberias added to my Soggiornos. The building is right next to Sterling's work. He said he was going to try and meet us there. My appointment was at 9am. At 9:20a I was done. It was quick. But now I have to wait two months before I actually get it. They told me the pick up date is September 15. That ruined my plan to take Tiberias to the states with me on August 25th! I want to go home to attend Eliza's wedding reception and ring ceremony. Tiberias cannot leave Italy and return again until he has a soggiorno (temporary permission to stay in Italy).
I was crushed. I was determined to go home and see my family. I miss them so much now!
I decided if I had to leave Tiberias here for a week, take Luke to the states with me, I would. But then Sterling told me that I'd have to be in the states two weeks because there would be no military SpaceA flight the week I wanted to return.
I can't leave Ty for two whole weeks. I was crushed again.

Sterling drove the boys and I home so he could have the car for the rest of the day.
When we got to the house he noticed another paper the Soggiorno office gave us. I had not even read it because I was so distraught over the news of Ty not being able to go to the states. The paper was permission for Tiberias, Luke and I to go on the rotator even though his soggiorno won't be here yet.
Hallelujah! Now the only obstacle left is to get seats of the rotator plane the week we want to fly to the states.

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