Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Primary Calling

Here is an email I wrote my mom. It tells what's up lately with me.

Hi Mom!

I'm am so excited that you are going to go help grandma put the genealogy on a computer. That will be wonderful!

And it's so awesome that you sold so many crafts at the fair!

If you've looked at my blog now you know we did have an amazing time with Abigail here. Now that she's gone I am really busy. I have so much going on that I can only do a little bit of each thing. Examples; photography (there are always volunteer opportunities on the base through the photo club), teaching Luke, singing, dinner with friends, service in the ward.

Luke goes to school so I don't feel too bad that I don't have time to do school often at home. But he's been out of school for two whole weeks (vacation and then spring break) and I've only done school with him maybe two times in all that time. I should have done more.

There are always opportunities to do service in our ward. Husbands gone for work, pregnant women, people moving in or out, etc.

Right now I think I have four church callings. I know I have ward historian, which I finally received the official guidelines and folder for even though I've been doing it a year.

I know I am a visiting teacher, of course. I know I am a primary teacher. And I think, but am not sure, that I am still the bulletin board coordinator.

Now we're in the new church and I have a whole bulletin board clean and ready for me.

This week will be full of preparing for church callings...busy busy for me.

This weekend is a baby shower I am helping put on for a sister I visit teach. That same day I have two baptisms of kids I believe are in my class...I have taught yet so I am not sure.

This week I am having a less active couple over to dinner because they seem to not have made any friends in the ward even though I've seen them come on and off for atleast a year. I feel bad I have never reached out. The couple seem like people Sterling and I could really become friends with. Better late than never.

There are two families in the ward who's women are physically unable to take care of their families. So I am hoping to get a meal over to one family this week and one meal to the other family the next week. I'd like to take meals to both families every week but I'm also trying not to overload my schedule. It's so busy!

Since Abi has left I find it the house cleaning is not a high priority anymore. I'm so busy that the apartment is trashed before I get around to cleaning it.

But spending time with Sterling and the boys takes up a lot of my time too. Sterling needs a lot of time with me or he really misses me. So I always have to spend as much time as I can with him. Sometimes that means I have a day here or there where everything has been postponed so long I have to get stuff done instead of spend time with Sterling.

When Abi was here she would play with the kids and I could get everything done. It was nice!

There's also a family moving away soon that we're sad to see go. We're best friends with this family so I'm trying to do something fun with them once a week until they go. This week it's dinner together. Next week I think we're going to go on a double date.

Ok, I'll let you go. I could go on and on though. Busy life.

Love, Tiffany

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