Friday, April 27, 2012

We are great. Tiberias is sick this week because he's teething. But other than that we're great. I'm going to focus on getting Tiberias to use his words. He has started trying to not say any words but just point and grunt. So I am refusing to read him books unless he says the name of an item on each page. So far, today, he has not done it. He's getting close to 2 years old and could talk if he tried. So my focus has to be on getting him to talk.

Luke is now sacred to go anywhere in the apartment unless the lights are on and mom is nearby.

Sterling officially applied for CrossTraining. So hopefully he'll get a great job in the next year. He applied for different jobs, some we'd like more than others.

I am now teaching Valiants 8 & 9 at church. So far I love it but have stuff to figure out on how to make the most of my class time. The kids like to waste a lot of class time and so far I have been unsucessful on changing that.

I sang I Heard Him Come last Sunday. It went so great. I didn't mess up. I was so nervous though. I was shaking up on that stage. Luckily it seems nobody could tell I was nervous.

Stephanie moves away in about a month. She shipped her car already and the movers just came for her stuff too.

My new next door neighbor whose husband is gone TDY found out her husband will come home for maybe a week after his TDY then go on a 6month deployment. It really sucks. She is sad.
I am excited to her next door though because I can tell we are going to be friends. She'll have to come hang out with me a lot while her husband is gone.

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