Thursday, October 18, 2012

Grandpa Is Sick

Dear Family:                                                                                                                                                         January 08, 2012
I need to let you know what has been happening with Grandpa Ray.  Grandpa Ray is having medical issues. During the Christmas holidays he had a slight stroke.  He went in to the doctor where they ran tests and in the process found a cancer growth in his nasal passage that may kill him. He is in the process of fighting the cancer.  This has been devastating news to him and to us.
Right now he is exploring treatment options and is doing everything he can to fight this.
It was a miracle that they found the cancer; if it hadn’t been for the stroke he had, he never would have gone to the doctor, so the stroke has been a blessing in disguise. (The stroke only affected his speech somewhat; there were no other effects that they could see.)
Grandpa needs our prayers, so if you could include him in your prayers, that would be appreciated.  The Rays are fasting today (it is their fast Sunday) and you are welcome to join in that fast. we are fasting for him next Sunday (our fast Sunday) and will continue to pray for him.
Uniting as a family in prayer can bring miracles.
love you all,  mom (Roslyn Boren)
January 08,
Good morning Mom. I'm so sorry to hear about grandpa.  Luckily I checked my junk mail box. I cannot find a way to get my email to stop sending emails I want into the junk box.
Lately my kids are driving me crazy. I keep thinking I have little patience for them. But they've been sick for like 4 days now. Diarrhea and rashes on their bottoms. Baby Ty especially. He's had it worse. I change his diaper and then he goes again...and so his rash doesn't have time to get better.
Sterling is leaving on a 3 week TDY work trip next week. So hopefully I will find my patience before he leaves. Hopefully I will get some time away from the kids before he goes.
Other than that we are doing great. We'll keep grandpa in our prayers.
Love, Tiffany
January 09
I m so sorry to hear about your sick kids. that is really hard to deal with.
I hope you are giving them plenty of fluids because when kids have diarrhea like that they get dehydrated.  Pedialyte is good to give them to keep them from getting dehydrated. 
another thing is the amount of diapers you go thru when babies have diarrhea. when my kids were going thru lots of diapers I bought diaper liners to put in them because I couldn’t afford to use up so many diapers. the diaper liners really helped me not go thru so  many diapers– especially when they were pooping every 5 minutes from diarrhea.
the best thing for diaper rash is bag balm but I don’t know if you have any. It worked better for me than diaper rash medicine.  I used baby powder a lot too.
as far as going crazy – sometimes we have to lower our expectations.  what you expect to get done. how much sleep you expect to get.  right now if all you do is take care of them and eat and sleep, then you are accomplishing a lot.  don’t expect to do anything else. when they get better, you can get some of yourself back.
I think the thought of Sterling being gone for 3 weeks is starting to make you panic.  don’t worry about tomorrow. just get thru today.Smile
good luck!  love mom

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