Sunday, September 29, 2013

Aaaarrgh Soccer!

Since Luke is not in Kindergarten this year, due to me homeschooling him until we move to South Dakota, I was excited to put him into a soccer league. The Moapa Valley has soccer teams for Kindergarten age up. I paid $45 for Luke to be on the team. They supply a soccer shirt, a coach, friends and fun.  Luckily my mom had soccer shoes and shin pads that fit Luke.

Monday, this week, was his first soccer practice. We had to drive to Glendale...about 15 minutes drive  (some of that on the freeway). There is not much in Glendal but there's a church and a water park and a park close to each other. The practices and games are held at that park.

Monday from 5:30-6:30pm is practice every week. Then we have a game once a week, varying on the day and time.

We met the coach and saw all the kids on the team. I'd say there's about 13. Unfortunately there is an other Luke on the team. The whole first practice the coach had trouble with what to call my Luke. He kept forgetting our last name. And I went to talk to him saying "His name is Lachoneus...but that's probably not any easier to remember than Luke Roundy." He agreed. I also mentioned that he could call Luke "Roundy" like his dad is called at work.  He said he'll figure it out but I'm not so sure. lol.

There are two kids who look younger than Luke on that team. Luke was the slowest of his age but I don't know how hard he was trying to be fast. He may just have been running for fun and not for speed.

They started learning soccer basics to help them in the games.  Luke was so happy to be going something active with so many other boys that he kept losing focus. He would pull grass up and put it in someone's hair. Or standing in line he would start bumping or pushing for fun. That lead to everyone around him bumping and pushing and it would spread down the line if it wasn't stopped. I had to step in and tell Luke to stop a few times as did the coach.

I had no idea what it would be like being a soccer mom. But at his age now I'm getting the picture...I will go to the practice and pay attention so that if Luke is not behaving properly I can step in and correct him. I will practice what Luke needs work on during the week so he will get better and be able to do, hopefully, well in the games.

It is just "fun" to Luke but I'd like him to do well and improve. Some of those kids are returning from last year so they know the drill. Luke has never done anything like this before.

 It was very windy and sprinkled a little during that first practice. Very windy! Until practice was over then it calmed down.

The moms are in charge of supplying snacks each game. I am in charge of the very last game...October 19th.

I am really happy about Lachoneus having this opportunity. He is very happy about it too. Ty did very well to let Luke and the other boys play on the field with the ball. Tiberias has done well to accept the fact that he isn't old enough to be on the team...even though it was a huge disappointment at first.

Tuesday morning I took the boys to a park down the street and had Luke practice a few things...kicking the ball short and he run with it, kicking the ball hard so it goes far, running fast, hands on his hips as the coach asked him to do so he won't pick up the ball and hitting the ball off his body without his hands.
Today we were going to practice at the park in the evening because the ward was having a Corn Roast they do annually. But Autumn played a minute with him, soccer, and that was it. I ended up not doing more than that.

My dad made a Stoffer's lasagna for the ward event....there were like 5 lasagnas there tonight! I made a Hawaiian sweet and sour chicken dish. Put it on rice. yummy!

Luke didn't want to eat the food I gave him. He is typically that way at potlucks. He's a picky eater.
But when he tasted the corn...mmmmm....he liked it as much as anyone. He and Ty loved it! They shared a whole cob. One would take a bite then hand it to the other. Taking turns and being fast because they were so excited about the yummy taste. It was so cute to watch. They were sitting on a bench facing each other eat and sharing.

(The title of this blog....there's a book we , the boys and I, love called How I Became A Pirate. The kids in the book plays soccer and when he's on the ship with the pirates he tries to teach them soccer. It's a way cute book and it's on my mind because we just got one from the library that's the same series called Pirates Don't Babysit. We read it tonight before the boys went to bed and it was fun)

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