Sunday, September 29, 2013


I wrote this almost a week ago.

I'm sitting in the shade on my parents' front porch steps on a warm autumn day in Logandale. In my love sleeve cardigan I am feeling rather hot.

I have been sitting here, not moving much, for about 5 minutes.
The yard is desert landscape with a little grass and patches of planted flowers.

It has not been long that I've been here, not disturbing the nature around me. When without my realization butterflies come out from various flowers and hiding places in the yard. Flying around and up to where I sat.
Four butterflies beside me, playing freely as if I were not there. Maybe six more in the yard just a few feet away.

Beautiful and magical. Almost as soon as I take in the magic and three year old runs up to me.  The butterflies quickly disperse into their hiding places.

I do not mind. A moment of fairylike magic once in a few years is enough to keep alive in me that innocent childike love of fairies and fantasy.

Besides, my life is full of magic if I just open my eyes and appreciate it. My two young boys and a baby girl on the way...the beauty, joy and magic is present every day of my life.

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