Sunday, September 29, 2013

Love & Marriage Pyramids

This Strengthening Marriage and Family class is really awesome. Every week so far I've come home inspired and ready to try what I've learned.

Parenting Pyramid:                                     Influence on children
                                                         Example and teachings
                                Relationship of trust
                                    Love         Acceptance & understanding       Encourage, look for
                                                                                                        & reinforce the positive

The first thing to do to have a strong relationship with your child is to establish love. Once you have that you need to establish acceptance and understanding. Then encourage, look for and reinforce the positive. Then you can move up to establish a relationship of trust. Next, be an example and teach them. And finally, influence your children.

Pyramid of Marriage:                                     Being One
                                                               Open Communication
                        Relationship of trust
                              Love         Acceptance & understanding       Encourage, look for
                                                                                                  & reinforce the positive
With marriage you need to establish the same ideals as with parenting as the base and the next line up. But then you need Open Communication. And lastly, Being one. Luckily Sterling and I have done those steps and we are one. What does that mean?  We have the same goals, ideals, values, beliefs, parenting rules, hopes. Mostly it means we support each other life, in parenting, etc. We are partners!

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