Sunday, September 29, 2013

For Athena - Gender Ultrasound

I wrote this up on my cell phone in Provo a few months ago.

"In just over an hour is my ultrasound for baby #3. I am so excited to find out the gender! I have anxiously awaited this for two weeks...ever since we scheduled the appointment.
It is so close now that I can taste the moment; when we are in the room and we first see the baby...not yet determining the gender but about to do so. It will be so fun to have Sterling and Luke there to see the baby and learn the gender with me! Ty will probably be there too but he doesn't understand as much. And he doesn't seem to care if it's a boy or a girl; as long as it's a baby.

I have already seen the baby in a fun, active ultrasound.  But Sterling has not seen it and Luke has never been to a real ultrasound. Although Luke does like seeing the weird drawings of what the baby would look like at different stages during the pregnancy (online). He likes learning about the growing baby. And both boys are super excited to have a baby on the way."

When we went to the ultrasound Denise came with us. All five of us. It was really fun but really short. We saw the baby on the screen, not very high tech but still fun. And the woman said "It looks like a girl." I was not quite in shock...more like I did not want to get my hopes up. I said "Are you sure it looks like a girl?" I even made her point it out to me. Then Sterling reminded me that boys look like they have a turtle between their legs.
I was still unsure if it was a good idea to get all psyched up about a girl that early in the pregnancy...worried it would turn out to be a boy. But I wanted a girl so badly. I started showing excitement.

We got home and Hannah had made cookies. Pink and blue icing she put on them. I took one of each kind, a pink one and a blue one. I put them on a plate and whispered to Tiberias to take a bite out of a pink front of everyone at the house. I believe it was Abi, Hannah, Mom, Dad, Trevor, Travis and Simone.
Tiberias picked up the pink one and bit it and everyone knew...we are having a girl!

Of course, at later ultrasounds I made the physicians check to see if it still looks like a girl. lol.
I went for an ultrasound recently at a doctor's office the base sent me to, with high quality machines for ultrasounds and they confirmed that it's undoubtedly a girl! lol

I am 24 weeks along.

We have not completely decided her name is Athena Rose Roundy. But we're learning more towards that than to anything else.
We also like Genevieve and Daphne.

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